What’s Window Film?
Window film is made from a high performance coatings, and micro-thin layers of film that are bonded to glass as a low cost conservation solution.
Why would I put window film on my windows?
Window films solves several problems by upgrading your current windows. Some of these include energy efficiency, glare reduction, and UV fade protection from the sun.
Are window film installations noisy?
Most windows can be filmed in 15 minutes with minimal or no disruption to building occupants.
A majority of building occupants will hardly notice window film being installed.
Is window film costly?
A majority of window films only cost $6-$20 per square foot after installation. This is only about 5-10% of the price of replacement windows, with specialty films like decorative or security films costing slightly more.
What kind of energy savings can I expect from window film?
Your current windows, energy rates, climate, and overhangs are a few factors that go into determining your energy savings when it comes to window film. Most buildings experience a 5% to 15% reduction in energy costs in the span of a year. Home owners that installed window film in Colorado noticed a 50% average reduction in their air conditioning bill.
What kind of ROI would my energy savings provide?
Window film is installation is minor at 5%-10% of the cost of replacement windows, and provide a similar energy savings. There is a much lower investment cost for window film. When you include rebates from utility companies, many projects have seen a 33% return on investment in less than 3 years.
Will window film cause my seals to leak or my window to break? Is window film safe?
Window film installations are completely safe for your windows. Our manufacturer Eastman has been testing and developing window film for over 20 years and has provided Dallas Window Film with the best practices guide, as well as product guidance. Eastman’s warranty also covers glass breakage and seal failure in their warranty. (Make sure you have your original warranties).
Doesn’t window film darken the windows, causing me to need more lighting and increasing energy costs?
In many cases, there is so much solar heat gain before window films are installed that shades or blinds must be kept closed. By applying energy-saving window film, blinds and shades can remain open, allowing more light into the building than before film installation. Plus, window films come in a variety of light transmissions, from very dark (allowing 0% light transmission) to very light (allowing 80% light transmission).
Do films with the highest “luminous efficacy” provide the the best energy savings?
Films with high luminous efficacies, also known as Spectrally-Selective Films, can be the best film in many applications. However, the solar heat rejection of these products is typically less than the highest performance films, so they offer less savings on air-conditioning costs. In addition, films higher in light transmission offer less in the way of glare reduction.
You claim your products are “green.” What steps have you taken in the manufacturing process to save energy and protect the environment?
In addition to complying with all applicable air and water safety standards for our manufacturing operations, over the past ten years Eastman has implemented a number of energy-saving measures. These have enabled Eastman to reduce the energy required per unit of production by nearly 40% during this period.
Are there utility company rebates for window film installation?
Many utilities offer specific rebates for window film installation for both residential and commercial applications. Often window film is specifically listed as one of the rebate-eligible products. While a great many of the rebates and tax credits expired at the end of 2010, Dallas Window Film can still help you find any applicable rebates for your project.
How does energy saving window film affect my HVAC system?
According to U.S. Department of Energy statistics, solar heat gain through windows is responsible for about one third of a building’s cooling costs. Energy-saving window film that can reduce solar heat gain by 75% or more can significantly reduce the run time of air-conditioning systems or allow them to operate at lower load conditions. This can reduce cooling costs in commercial buildings by as much as 30%, lengthen HVAC equipment life, lower maintenance costs for air-conditioning systems, and allow for replacement of cooling equipment with smaller, less expensive equipment. Scottish Window Tinting can connect you with a number of Colorado HVAC companies if you have any questions about the impact of your prospective window film project.
What is the expected lifespan and what are the warranties on your window films?
Most window films carry a 10 or 15-year warranty for non-residential installations. Warranties include total film replacement, including labor and materials. Many of our films are on the job, still providing energy savings and improved comfort, 20 years after installation. (Some restrictions and limitations apply. We can explain the different warranties for our different films.)
Can installing window film help with LEED Certification or qualifying as an Energy Star labeled building?
In fact, window films can assist with as many as 9 LEED Certification points (out of the 32 required for Silver LEED Certification). For more information about Window Films and LEED Certification, see www.usgbc.org/leed. The energy savings provided by Vista films can also assist buildings with their Energy Star Labeling requirements. The LEEDs certification has recently be changed to reflect regional differences. Dallas Window Film can help you determine exactly how many LEEDS points your window film project can accumulate whether its in Dallas, or anywhere across Texas.