At the end of the day, you go home to unwind, recuperate, and spend time with your pets and loved ones. But it can be hard to relax if you’re worried about the safety or health of your family.
Any random accident or event can put your family in immediate danger. It’s up to you as a parent to protect your little ones and furry friends.
By installing window film from 3M for your Dallas home, you can create an environment that is safe, healthy, and enjoyable. 3M Window Films provide an easy way for homeowners to make needed upgrades to windows for improved security and functionality. With a quick ROI of only three years, window films practically pay for themselves and provide homeowners with some amazing benefits.
How 3M Window Film Makes Your Home Safer & Healthier
Here are some ways that 3M Window Films can make your Dallas home safer and healthier for your family.
Prevents skin and eye disease
Uv rays from the sun can cause serious bodily harm and lead to the development of major disease. UV rays are the number one cause of skin cancer, and also can cause problems with immune health, eye health, and premature aging. Installing window film is like applying sunscreen to your windows. Window film blocks out 99.9% of uv radiation, keeping your family safe from the sun while you’re indoors.
Minimizes the risk of accidents
If you have small children or pets, you’re probably no stranger to accidents in your home. Sometimes when children or pets are playing, things can get knocked over or broken. A stray baseball can shatter glass in an instant and seriously injure anyone who’s standing near the window. By installing window film, you can strengthen glass areas is your home that are high risk and prevent accidents.
Deters burglars
Break-ins happen in a matter of seconds. It only takes a couple minutes for someone to break a window in your home, dash inside, and grab expensive items that belong to your family. 3M Security Window Films reduce the risk of burglary by creating a thick, protective layer that deters intruders.
Get a Quote on 3M Window Film in Dallas
Start planning your home improvement project today. Call the professionals at Dallas Window Film to get a quote on 3M Window Film in Dallas or speak to an expert about your home security needs.