Are you experiencing the harsh, hot humidity of the summer months within your Dallas home? Finding a balance between maintaining a comfortable home while keeping your AC bill on budget can be extremely difficult, especially here in Texas. Homeowners often have to sacrifice one or the other, making finding an energy efficient solution top priority. While replacing your windows is always an effective option, this renovation tends to be extremely out-of-budget, time-consuming, and inconvenient. Energy efficient window film presents a budget-conscious solution that’s highly effective and delivers a quick installation time for immediate benefits.
Benefits of Energy Efficient Window Film for Your Dallas Home
Energy efficient window film has high solar rejection and UV blocking properties, providing homeowners significant savings during both summer and winter months. On average, homeowners can experience around 30% savings during summer and 10-15% savings during winter. This great ROI often pays for itself in energy savings alone in just a few years! Energy efficient window film helps maintain comfortable temperatures year-round while eliminating hot/cold spots and optimizing home comfort. The added UV blocking capabilities deliver the ultimate fade protection for your Dallas home, defending your valuables, flooring, and furniture. By blocking up to 99.9% of UV rays, your loved ones will be protected as well from considerable health concerns caused from harmful UV radiation.
Installation Process for Energy Efficient Window Film in Dallas Homes
Dallas Window Film has the most comprehensive selection of energy efficient window film solutions from all the leading manufacturers. We’re happy to provide a free in-home consultation to help you discover the right investment for your property. Installation processes are completed quickly, typically within a day, in order to provide your property immediate energy savings and comfort. We utilize C-Bond glass strengthening agent for all our window film projects in order to provide optimized products and quicker cure times.