How College Campuses Can Be Energy Efficient With Window Film
Almost any commercial space benefits from energy efficiency and almost none more than college campuses. Regardless of whether the school is private or public, keeping energy expenditures low benefits both students and staff in the short and long term. As it turns out, window film is a powerful way to maximize energy efficiency campus-wide and cost-effective as well, with an ROI in as little as 3 years. Read on to learn just how window film works to make campuses energy efficient.
Window Film Makes Campuses More Energy Efficient By Adding Insulation
Window film is more or less an invisible barrier on windows this is a powerful insulator even though incredibly thin. In fact, pound for pound window film is a much stronger insulator than glass and significantly less expensive too. After window film, it applied this practically invisible layer acts as well or better than an entire pane of glass. Meaning, single pane windows now act as double and double pane windows insulate like triple pane.
Window Film Makes Campuses More Energy Efficient By Reducing Solar Heat Gain
The more infrared light that is rejected as the source of intake, the windows, the less energy a building uses. Window films reduce solar heat gain up to 80% on many windows. For year-round protection, spectrally selective films work double duty–reducing solar heat gain in the summer (lowering A/C bills) but also keeping heated air in during the winter. This powerful combination usually results in around a 25% -45% reduction on notoriously high school campus utility bills.
Window Film Makes Campuses More Energy Efficient By Lowering HVAC Costs
When heated and cooled air gets trapped inside HVAC systems simply work less. This may not seem like a big deal but HVAC work is incredibly expensive–especially for commercial systems. By solving the problem of chronic HVAC maintenance where it starts, at the windows, campuses here in Dallas, save significantly year round!
For more information on window film for your Dallas campus–contact us at Dallas Window Film today!